Mt. Irvine
Easy dive - Caribbean side - max. depth 60 ft.
Mt. Irvine has got three dive sites:
"The Wall" is a shallow 30 ft dive close to shore. It is known for its crevices, where Moray Eels, Rock Lobster and Spiny Crabs live.
"Extension" is a deeper dive site, following the outcropping rocks of Mt Irvine Bay. Large Grouper, Snapper and Hawksbill Turtles enjoy this beautiful reef which is big enough for several dives. A frequent visitor is the Spotted Eagle Ray, although they tend to stay away from divers, they do circle and are often seen in pairs.
"Rainbow Reef" is in the middle of Mt. Irvine Bay and has a depth of 50 - 70 ft. The reef got its name because of the schools of Rainbow Runners seen here. And there is also a large fisherman's type anchor, possibly 17th century, wedged upright as if to stop a ship running aground.